We are extremely honored and excited to announce that The Fawn won Best Experimental Film in the Paris Play Film Festival!!
Honored to receive the
I was honored to receive the Early Career Faculty Excellence Award for 2017 at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
The Fawn has been selected for MoveCineArte Festival
We are pleased to announce that The Fawn has been selected for inclusion in the MoveCineArte Festival which takes place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Venice, Italy, and in Paris, France.
The Fawn will debut at Toronto Smart Phone Film Festival
We are very pleased to announce that The Fawn will have its first public screening at the The 6ix Annual Toronto Film Festival which takes place on Ryerson University’s campus this year.
Aunt Johaha: A Taste of l’Avenir Debuts in Out of Context Exhibition, a part of Philly Tech Week 2017
Aunt Johaha: A Taste of l’Avenir Debuts in Out of Context Exhibition, curated by Belinda Haikes and Gaby Heit. Out of Context is a part of Philly Tech Week 2017
The Fawn is Selected in Multiple International Competitions
The Fawn has been selected into several film festival competitions (non-screenings) Lets see if she wins any awards!
Short to the Point Experimental Selection March 2017 (Romania)
Moving Pictures Festival (Belgium)
s/n is pleased to screen The Pleasure of Ruins at Filmideo.
The Pleasure of Ruins will screen on April 29th, (day 2) of Filmideo, which takes place at Index Art Center in Newark, New Jersey!
S/N Screens Past the Edges in Abstract Mind Exhibition at CICA Museum
Past the Edges screens at Abstract Mind: the 2nd International Exhibition on Abstract Art from April 21 – May 7, 2017 at CICA Museum in Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Pleasure of Ruins screens in Cuba with the Time is Love10 program during the FIVAC- International Video Art Festival