s/n screens in Adana and Mersin, Turkey as a part of the International Cukurova Art Days

s/n is pleased to be included with the Ephesus International Video Art Program, curated by Tahir Ün , will be screened in Adana and Mersin within the scope of  11th. International Cukurova Art Days.
Çukurova Art Days is a regional festival that takes place every March or April since 2007. The numerous artists from different countries are invited to attend this festival of art in 2017, which will take place in many cities. The festival will go beyond the boundaries of the regional countries via new media.

March, 24th. 2017, 19:00 Altın Oran Art Gallery – Adana
“Video in context of contemporary art”, introduction talking by Tahir Ün. 

Sanatçılar / Artists (Adana)
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Aliénor Vallet, Anastasia Levina, Carlos Alonso Cruz Martínez, Eija Temisevä, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Karolien Soete, Muriel Montini, Rrose Present, Sandrine Deumier, Simru Hazal Civan, Sofia Makridou & Theodora Prassa, Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Tahir Ün, Teresa Leung

March, 25th. 2017, 19:15 MFD Hall / Mersin Photography Association – Mersin
Video in context of contemporary art“, introduction talking by Tahir Ün. 

Sanatçılar / Artists (Mersin)

Adrián Regnier Chávez, ClaRa ApaRicio Yoldi , Eden Mitsenmacher Tordjman, Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts, Matt Dombrowski, Paweł Stasiewicz, Silvia De Gennaro, Simru Hazal Civan, Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Tahir Ün

s/n screens Richmond g40 videos in Izmir, Turkey

s/n is pleased to have participated in the Ephesus Video Art program curated by Tahir Ün  within the Grand Efes Art Days program in Izmir, Turkey on February 25th.

Video Artists:

Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani, Adrián Regnier Chávez, Aliénor Vallet, Anastasia Levina, Carlos Alonso Cruz Martínez, claRa apaRicio yoldi, Eden Mitsenmacher, Eija Temisevä, Fenia Kotsopoulou, Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts, Karolien Soete, Matt Dombrowski, Muriel Montini, Paweł Stasiewicz, Rrose Present, Sandrine Deumier and Alx P.op, Simru Hazal Civan, Sofia Makridou & Theodora Prassa, Şinasi Güneş, Şirin Bahar Demirel, Silvia De Gennaro, Tahir Ün, Teresa Leung

Conversation: Video Art as Contemporary Art Form (in Turkish).


Nail Özlüsoylu – Curator
Tahir Ün – Artist/Curator
Prof. Ümit Atabek – Instructor at Faculty of Communication in Yasar University

A 360 look at some s/n work in development…



This is a collaborative project s/n was hoping to do in Germany with a residency we were awarded in Berlin during summer of 2016. As fate would have it– we were unable to attend the residency for a couple of personal reasons. So, instead, this was a set up we enjoyed this past summer.  We took up residency in Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Department of Cinema & Photography gallery space and we created a really fun space where Zahra (our daughter and zealous collaborator) painted about 6 large scale paintings using children’s paints on semi-opaque PVC shower curtains and about 8 long paintings on rolls of wax paper and tin foil.  We then brought in lights and proceeded to begin shooting the animation with a large tripod stand, a Canon 7D with a remote… We plan to create a large installation projecting the animations through the paintings. The end of the summer came to a close and we lost our studio space… We need to continue shooting, then animate and record sound for the project.  We plan to continue working on this as we can… If you have a residency space or a working space we could use near us, let me know!!

s/n participates in the CICA ‘Artist & Location’ exhibition in Gyeonggi-do, Korea

s/n is pleased to announce our participation in the Artist and Location Exhibition at Czong Institute for Contemporary Art museum in Gyeonggi-do, Korea from September 23rd through October 9th.

We are proud to be exhibiting yet again with such an innovative museum, and among such talented artists!! …And we are excited and deeply honored to have our image used as the poster!!



click here for the catalog: cicaartistandlocationcatalog

s/n is showing a new version of the Handy-Video Remix Collection. This is the 1st playable map we have exhibited…!!